Best SSL Certificate

The most popular and affordable SSL certificate is generally the best certificate for small business. This should be supported by recent market data such as that from the ongoing W3Techs survey.

  • W3Techs investigate technologies of websites, not of individual web pages. If a technology was found on any of the pages, it is considered to be used by the website.
  • W3Techs include only the top 10 million websites (top 1 million before June 2013) in the statistics in order to limit the impact of domain spammers. Website popularity rankings were provided by Alexa (an company) and a 3-month average ranking was used.
  • W3Techs do not consider subdomains to be separate websites. For instance, and are considered to belong to the same site as That means for example, that all the subdomains of, and similar sites are counted only as one website.
  • W3Techs do not include redirected domains. For example, redirects to, and is therefore not counted.

Based on W3Techs survey results, IdenTrust although expensive, is popular is due to use by websites of banks and government agencies especially in the United States.

Sectigo (previously Comodo) comes out as the most popular SSL certificate brand used by the public and businesses at large. Since PositiveSSL is the most popular and affordable certificate from Sectigo, it follows that it is the best SSL certificate.

You can get a PositiveSSL certificate at a heavily discounted price from HERE.
